About Me

Hello my name is Bobby Grow, welcome to my site! I am happily married, have two beautiful kiddies, and I love Jesus Christ more than anything! Please feel free to interact with me, and I look forward to the iron sharpening iron process we might share in as a result of this blog!


I am an author/editor/freelance theological writer beyond what I do here as a theo-blogger. Here is some of the stuff I have been involved in (and am currently involved in): Forthcoming. 

Co-author/editor with Myk Habets, Evangelical Calvinism. Vol. 2 (Eugene, OR: Pickwick Publications, 2016). Co-author/editor with Myk Habets, Evangelical Calvinism: Essays Resourcing the Continuing Reformation of the Church (Eugene, OR: Pickwick Publications, 2012).

Freelance Writer for Christianity Today’s ‘Global Gospel Project’: God Behind The Veil. His Ways are Hidden from Ordinary Eyes, but not from the Eyes of Faith. (April, 2013).

Theological Consultant for Christianity Today: One of four judges who selected CT’s best theological book for 2014.

Assistant and Copy Editor for Participatio Theological Journal. The peer reviewed theological journal of the Thomas F. Torrance Theological Fellowship (2013-14).

Assistant Editor for Participatio Theological Journal. (2015 – present).

Personal Background
 I was diagnosed with a rare and typically terminal cancer called Desmoplastic Small Round Cell Tumor-sarcoma (DSRCT), in the late Fall of 2009. I went through the most powerful kind of chemo regimen you can go through (it worked); had surgery in May 2010; and finished my chemo at the end of June 2010. By God’s grace they were able to get all of the cancer (which is just a plain ole’ miracle if you understand the kind of cancer I had!), and I have been cancer free for going on 5 years. If you would like to talk with me more about this, email me, and I would be happy to get deeper with you.

Princeton Theological Seminary. Continuing education coursework (2014).

Multnomah Biblical Seminary. M.A. in Biblical and Theological Studies (2003).

Multnomah Bible College. B.A. in Biblical and Theological Studies/minor in Koine Greek (2001).

Email. growba@gmail.com

One of My Favorite Bible Verses
 I Corinthians 2.2

The T.F. Torrance Theological Fellowship.

Academia.edu Profile